Matt Wearn talks to Ed Fethers on 91.3 Sport FM

Matt Wearn talks to Ed Fethers on 91.3 Sport FM

Ed Fethers welcomed back and interviewed double Gold Medallist Matt Wearn on his…

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Caitlin Shaw 2019

Caitlin Shaw – 2024 Europe Review

I would like start by thanking the Ron Tough Yachting Foundation for the continu…

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Stefan Shircore- Elliott, 2024 January-August report

Stefan Shircore- Elliott, 2024 January-August report

The start of the year saw us over in Adelaide for the men’s world championships …

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Jasper Stay – ILCA 4 Youth World Championship

Jasper Stay – ILCA 4 Youth World Championship

I recently had the incredible opportunity to compete in the ILCA 4 Youth World C…

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Olympian congratulations!

Olympian congratulations!

A HUGE congratulations to Matt, Zoe, Nia and Conor. What wonderful results.&nbsp…

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