Applications open


RTYF offers financial assistance on an annual basis to Western Australian sailors, clubs and Class Associations to assist them in achieving their sailing goals.

Grants are made to individual sailors and teams to support their attendance at events in a class of boat where they have already demonstrated strong performance and commitment at a national level. Grants are not generally awarded to support attendance at events within Australia.

Individual grants are determined in February/March of each year and awarded at the RTYF Awards night so that sailors have confirmation of support in time for their attendance at events during the European summer. If a grant is not utilised during the calendar year it was awarded, it will not be honoured.

Applications for grants are also invited from Yacht Clubs. Small capital grants for safety equipment and training programs that increase participation and skills are encouraged. RTYF recognises the essential role played by many of these volunteer-based organisations that have limited access to funding and welcomes applications for assistance. The Board decision will be final.

Support for Class Associations is primarily through the RTYF Coaching Clinic programs. It is the desire of the Foundation Board to support the Olympic ‘pathway’ classes but will also provide support for other popular local Western Australian fleets that do not necessarily have a ‘National Championship’ . If Associations can prove that they have a large number of young sailors participating on a regular basis RTYF are happy to become involved.

As the period suggested for the coaching weekends is generally over November/December, for accounting purposes, the grants duration will be from the end of financial year to the following end of financial year.   If not utilised during that period, the grant will not be honoured thereafter.

Class Associations will be invited to apply for coaching clinic funding in July/August. Applications will be discussed at the following RTYF Board Meeting. The Board decision will be final.