Applications open

Mirror sail 2020 supported with Ron Tough grant

Mirror Sail – Maylands Yacht Club

19th and 20th September 2020

Strong winds, unseasonably cold weather, rain, hail and squalls tested the metal of the keen but nervous sailors that attended this year’s Mirror Sail at Maylands Yacht Club.

Over the two day event, 9 boats and 17 eager sailors attended Mirror Sail, coming from afar afield as Katanning.

Geoff Wilson provided expert coaching on both Saturday and Sunday, covering rigging, sail shape, boat tuning and boat handling. Geoff’s long history with the class, easy manner and expert knowledge was a real bonus for the attendees with many questions and queries being simply answered. James Stout provided additional coaching and guidance on the Sunday allowing the boats to split up in two and train on different parts of the river.

Gusts of up to 25 knots tested both boats and crew but the geography of the river around Maylands still allowed the boats to shelter along the banks of the Belmont shore and continue sailing. MYC may have been one of the only clubs in Perth, where sailing could take place under the gusty conditions.

Squalls, rain and hail on Saturday afternoon caused the crews to retire to the club house for theory training which was a welcome respite from the cold wet conditions outside.

The strong winds continued on Sunday, with changing conditions from a steady 12 knots to gusts of 22 knots. Both the seasoned mirror sailors and debutantes found the conditions challenging but enjoyable and rewarding. Had it not been for the attendance and confidence of the Coaches, most sailors may not have ventured from shore. Boats and sailors were tested and taught to handle the conditions and made ready for the upcoming season of sailing.

Much appreciation to the volunteers from MYC who kept the sailors fed and watered with hot food and drinks and for the watchful crews on the rescue boats who stood ready to assist those in trouble. Thanks to the Ron Tough Yachting Foundation for sponsoring such a great event.



