Applications open

Nacra 15’s report on their RTYF Pre-Nationals Coaching Clinic

2019 Nationals and AYC Preparations

We modified the initial project to suit the sailors and their school commitments.
Below a brief summary of our final preparations for the Nationals and AYC.

We sailed two or three boats pending weather conditions. (FSC Camp, two boats)
Main objectives were to prepare the two boats going to Nationals and AYC. In the process
we could include Olivia Payne an new N15 skipper looking for crew.
We paid specific attention to the starting ability focusing on boat handling in prestart, line
awareness, bow even and response to first shift or pressure and relative gain on
competition the first 500 meter to set up last 50-75% of the upwind.

We also trained a lot of managing compression and de-compression at top- mark/ offset
mark and gate.

Former Australian Sailing Team member and AS Sailing Coach Jessica Eastwell spent two
afternoons with us riding shoot gun onboard with me and sitting in on the debriefs. Jessica
added many valid points regarding the starting tactics, line awareness and bow even on the
day we did over 20 starts. A great contribution.

9th – 10th Nov Perth Dinghy Regatta
15th – 16th Nov FSC Camp
6th – 9th Dec MOFSC Camp
Georgia Payne & Nathan Bryant
Will Drew & Ethany Bates
Olivia Payne & Raffaele Torre
In our squad we rotate crews and skippers to increase learning and push adaptability.

Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club 3
Fremantle Sailing Club
We would like to thank both clubs for their cooperation and hospitality.
PDSC ran a great regatta and we tried hard to run two boats in variating conditions trialling
new sailiors.

Nationals and AYC can only be described as a participation success and results contributed
to Georgia Payne and Nathan Bryant selection for the 2020 World Sailing Youth World
Championship in Salvador Brisil 12-19th December 2020.
Will Drew sailed with two different crew and showed that his training, crew rotation didn’t
distract him, and that hard work really pay off.

2019 Nationals and AYC Preparations

Training partners makes it all possible. From the left Georgia Payne, Nathan Bryant, Will
Drew and Ethany Bates.

Nacra15 action off the line at the 2020 Nationals at BYS.

2019 Nationals and AYC Preparations.Honest debriefs where we share our experiences to get better together.

2020 Australian Youth Sailing Team Nacra15 Team, 2nd at the 2020 Nationals and 1st at the
2020 Australian Youth Championships.

Kind regards
Mikael Lundh



